Operating System
Unit 1: Introduction (3)
1.1. What is operating system?
1.2. Two views of Operating Systems
1.3. Operating-System Structures
1.4. Types of Operating Systems
1.5. System Calls
1.6. Shell
1.7. Open-Source Operating Systems
Lab Work (3)
-Demonstrate Linux commands
-Demonstrate Linux shell
Unit 2: Process Management (13)
2.1. Process and Thread Concepts
2.2. Process Scheduling
2.3. Operations on Processes
2.4. Process states
2.5. Inter-process Communication
2.6. Multithreading Models
2.7. The Critical-Section Problem
2.8. Process Synchronization
2.9. Lock Variable
2.10. Peterson’s Solution
2.11. Mutex
2.12. Semaphores
2.13. Monitors
2.14. CPU Scheduling Concepts
2.15. Scheduling Criteria
2.16. Scheduling Algorithms: First come First Serve,
Shortest job First, Round Robin
2.17. Deadlocks
2.18. Methods for Handling Deadlocks
Lab Work (13)
-Demonstrate process creation and thread creation
Processor Scheduling and deadlock
detection algorithms
-Simulate the process synchronization mechanisms
Unit 3: Memory Management (8)
3.1. Swapping
3.2. Memory Allocation
3.3. Paging
3.4. Structure of the Page Table
3.5. Virtual Memory
3.6. Page Replacement Algorithms
3.7. Segmentation
Lab Work (10)
Demonstrate concept of virtual memory
Simulate Page Replacement algorithms
Unit 4: Storage Management (8)
4.1. Overview of Mass-Storage Structure
4.2. Disk Structure
4.3. Disk Scheduling
4.4. RAID Structure
4.5. File Concept and Access Methods
4.6. Directory and Disk Structure
4.7. File-System Structure
4.8. File-System Implementation
4.9. Directory Implementation
4.10. I/O Systems Overview
4.11. I/O Hardware
Lab Work (12)
- Demonstrate Directory and File Attributes
- Simulate Disk scheduling algorithms and file management
Unit 5: Case Study (10) - Practical
5.1. The Linux System
5.2. Windows 7