IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students

Course title: Developmental Psychology
Course No. : Ed 332                                                                          
Nature of Course: Theoretical
Level:           B.Ed.                                                                            
Credit Hours: 3
Semester:     Third                                                                              
Teaching hours:48

Unit I: Human growth and development.         (10 hrs.)
1.1.      Concept and meaning of human growth and development.
1.2.      Determinants of human growth and development
1.3.      Need for studying human growth and development in education.
1.4.      Major methods of studying human growth development.
1.4.1.   Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and case study
1.5.      Major issues in development
1.5.1.   Nature  vs. nurture
1.5.2.   Stability vs. change
1.5.3.   Continuity vs. discontinuity
Unit II: Developmental stages and characteristics  (8)
1.6.      Infancy and Babyhood: characteristics, developmental tasks and hazards.
1.7.      Early and late childhood: characteristics, developmental tasks and hazards.
1.8.      Puberty and adolescence: characteristics and developmental tasks
1.9.      Adulthood (early, middle and late): characteristics and hazards.
Unit III: Understanding puberty                          (10)
3.1       Developmental tasks, skills, hobby and possible hazards.
3.2       Causes, criteria and effects of puberty
3.3       Physical development: Spurt of growth during puberty.
3.4       Social development, entertainment and recreation.
3.5       Emotional development and its effects
3.6       Happiness and unhappiness during puberty
3.7       Ways of controlling unhappiness.
3.8       Educational Implication.
Unit IV Adolescence and developmental characteristics (10)
4.1       Developmental tasks, skills, hobbies and potent hazards
4.2       Physical characteristics and educational implication.
4.3       Social characteristics, leadership and educational implication.
4.4       Emotional characteristics and educational implication.
4.5       Mental characteristics and educational implication.
4.6       Morality during adolescence and educational implication.
4.7       Happiness and unhappiness during adolescence.
4.8       Career choice, interest and future orientation.
Unit V Adolescence and understanding problems (10)
5.1       Adolescence and drug abuse, alcoholism and effects
5.2       Adolescence and sex, HIV/AIDs, sexually transmitted disease and effects.
5.3       Adolescence and social violence and conflict
5.4       Adolescence: frustration and Suicide
5.5       Ways out: guidance and counseling, psychotherapy, rehabilitation and family adjustment.
5.6       Educational implication

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