IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students

Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithms
Course No. : ICT. Ed. 435                     
Nature of course: Theoretical + Practical
Level: B. Ed                                            
Credit Hour: 3 hours (2T+1P)
Semester: Third                             
Teaching Hour: 80 hours (32+48)

Unit 1: Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms(6)                                                                  
1.1    Data types, Data structure and Abstract date type
1.2    Memory allocation in C
1.3    Introduction to Algorithms
1.4    Role of algorithms in Computing
1.5    Asymptotic notations and common functions
Lab: Write  a program to implement dynamic memory management functions(malloc(),calloc(),realloc() and free())
Unit 2: Stacks                                                           (5)
2.1    Definition
2.2    Stack as an ADT
2.3    Stack operation
2.4    Stack application: Evaluation of Infix, Postfix and Prefix expressions
Lab: Write a program to implement stack operations
Unit 3: Queues                                                         (6)
3.1    Definition
3.2    Queue as an ADT
3.3    Primitive operations in queue: Enqueue and Dequeue
3.4    Linear and Circular Queue
3.5    Priority queue.
Lab: Write a program to implement linear and circular queue operations
Unit 4: List                                                                (4)
4.1    Definition
4.2    Static and dynamic list structure
4.3    Array implementation of lists
4.4    Queues as list
Unit 5: Linked lists                                                    (8)
5.1    Definition and Linked List as an ADT
5.2    Applications and Types of Linked List
5.3    Basic operations in Linked List: creation, node insertion and deletion from beginning, end and specified position
5.4    Stack and Queue as a circular list
Lab-1: Write a program to implement singly and doubly linked list operations
Lab-2: Write a program to implement stack and queue as linked list
Unit 6: Recursion                                                       (5)
6.1    Principle of recursion
6.2    Comparison between recursion and iteration
6.3    Tower of Hanoi(TOH) and Fibonacci sequence
6.4    Applications and Efficiency of recursion
Lab-1: Write a program to solve the problem of TOH
Lab-2: Write a program to print Fibonacci series
Lab-3:Write a program to calculate factorial
Lab-4: Write a program to calculate gcd of two numbers
Unit 7: Trees                                                                (10)
7.1    Concept and definitions
7.2    Basic operation in binary tree
7.3    Tree search, insertion/deletion, traversals (pre-order, post-order and in-order )
7.4    Binary Search Tree
7.5    Tree height, level and depth
7.6    AVL tree and Balancing algorithm
7.7    The Huffman algorithm
7.8    B- Tree
7.9    Applications of tree
Lab: Write a program to insert, delete, search and display(pre-order, in-order, post-order) items in BST

Unit 8: Sorting                                                           (10)
8.1    Introduction and Types of sorting: Internal and External sort
8.2    Exchange sorts: Bubble sort and Quick sort
8.3    Selection and Tree sorting: Selection sort, Binary tree sort, Heap sort, and Heap as a priority queue
8.4    Insertion Sorts: Insertion sort and Shell Sort
8.5    Merge sort and Radix  sort
8.6    Big ‘O’ notation and Efficiency of sorting
Lab: Write a program to implement:
           a) Bubble sort b) Selection sort c) Insertion sort
d) Quick sort e) Merge sort f) Heap sort
Unit 9: Searching                                                     (6)
9.1    Introduction to searching
9.2    Sequential search, Binary search, Tree search, General search tree and Interpolation search
9.3    Hashing : Hash function and hash tables
9.4    Collision resolution technique
9.5    Efficiency comparisons of different search technique
Lab: Write a program to implement:
a)      Sequential search
b)      Binary search
Unit 10: Graphs                                                        (12)
10.1  Representation and applications
10.2  Graphs as an ADT
10.3  Transitive closure
10.4  Warshall’s Algorithm
10.5  Shortest path algorithm
10.6  Linked representation of graph: Dijkstra's Algorithm, Organizing the set of graph nodes, Application to scheduling
10.7  Graph Traversal Algorithms: Depth First Traversal and Breadth First Traversal
10.8  Minimum spanning trees: Prim’s, Kruskal’s and Round-Robin algorithms
Lab: Write a program to implement graph traversal algorithms(BFS and DFS)
Unit 11: Algorithms                                                     (8)
11.1  Analyzing and Designing algorithms
11.2  Greedy, Dynamic programming and Back tracking Algorithms
11.3  Divide and conquer algorithm
11.4  Deterministic and non-deterministic algorithm
11.5  Serial and Parallel algorithm
11.6  Heuristic and Approximate algorithm

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