IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students

 Unit- I Relations and Digraph  (9 hrs)

1.1          Product set and partitions

1.2          Binary relations and its types

1.3          Different methods  representing


             Relation as an order pairs

             Relations as matrix

             Relations as  directed graphs

             Relations as an arrow  diagram

             Relations as graph         

                1.4          Properties of relations:





             Equivalence relation

             Partial order relations

1.5          Boolean matrix representation of


             Boolean matrix operation

             Boolean products 

1.6          Composition of two relations

1.7        Operation on relations

1.8        Transitive closure and Warshall’s



Unit  II  Counting and Combinatories  ( 7 hrs)



2.2 Basic principles of counting

             Sum rule principle

             Product rule principle

2.3 Permutation of n- different objects

            2.4 Combination

2.5 The pigeonhole principle

2.6 The extended pigeonhole principle





Unit III The Fundamental Algorithms, and Matrices (9 hrs)

3.1          Algorithms

3.2          Complexity of algorithm

             Time complexity

             Understanding the Complexity of algorithm.

3.3          Searching algorithm:

             Linear search

             Binary search

3.4          Sorting

             Bubble sort

             Insertion sort

3.5          Matrices

             Matrix arithmetic

             Transpose of matrix

             Power of matrices


Unit- IV Recursion on Sequence and Series (8 hrs)


4.1  Introduction

4.2 Sequence and summations

             Arithmetic progression

             Geometric progression

             Harmonic progression

             Relations and properties 

             Recurrence relations

             Use of series on summation notation

4.3   Solutions for recursive relations

4.4 Recursive algorithm, recursion and iteration, the merge sort. 

4.5   Recursively defined functions


Unit : V Special Types of Functions (6 hrs)


5.1 Floor and ceiling function

5.2 Characteristics functions

5.3 Integer value functions

5.4 Remainder function: modular arithmetic

5.5 Factorial function



Unit- VI  Geometric Transformation ( 9 hrs)

6.1 Geometric properties of plane linear  


6.2  Isometric transformation



             Half turn


             Glide Reflection

6.3 Non isometric transformation




6.4 Matrix representation of isometric and

non- isometric transformations


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Hamro Patro

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