IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students


Unit I: Introduction to AI                          (10)

1.1          Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

1.2          Brief history of AI,

1.3          Applications of Artificial Intelligence,

1.4          Definition and importance of Knowledge,

1.5          Learning Agent and it’s performance measure

1.6          Problems Definition, Real life problems and well-defined problem

Unit II: Search Techniques                          (20)

1.1          Uninformed search techniques: depth first search, breadth first search, depth limit search, Iterative deepening search,

1.2          Heuristics search techniques: Greedy Best first search, A* search, Hill Climbing, Game playing, Adversarial search techniques-mini-max procedure, alpha beta pruning


Unit III: Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning                       (20)

3.1          Formal logic-connectives: truth tables, syntax, semantics, tautology, validity, well-formed-formula,

3.1          Propositional Logic, Inference with PL: Resolution, Backward Chaining and Forward Chaining,

3.1          First Order Predicate Logic(FOPL), quantification,  inference with FOPL: By converting into PL (Existential and universal instantiation), Directly with FOPL (unification and lifting, resolution Backward chaining, Forward Chaining),

3.1          Rule based deduction system,

3.1          Statistical Reasoning-Probability and Bayes' theorem and causal networks, reasoning in belief network

Unit IV: Structured Knowledge Representation       (10)

4.1          Representations and Mappings,

4.2          Approaches to Knowledge Representation, Issues in Knowledge Representation,

4.3          Semantic nets, frames,

4.4          conceptual dependencies and scripts                       

Unit V: Application of AI system in education                   (20)   

5.1          Expert Systems (Architecture, Expert system development process),

5.2          Application of Expert system in education

5.3          Neural Network (Mathematical model, get realization, Network structure)

5.4          Application of Neural Network in education

5.5          Natural Language Processing (Steps of NLP, parsing)

5.6          Application of NLP in education

5.7          Basic Concepts of Machine Learning and Visioning

5.8          Application of Machine Learning in education

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Hamro Patro

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