IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students

Course Title: Web Technology
Course No. : ICT. Ed. 437                     
Nature of course: Theoretical + Practical
Level: B.Ed.                                             
Credit Hour:  3 hours (2T+1P)
Semester: Third                                      
Teaching Hour: 80hours (32+48)

Unit 1: Introduction to HTML                                   
1.1    Concept of WWW
1.2    Component of www and URL
1.3    HTML editors (Dreamweaver, Notepad ++, Edit Plus)
1.4    Basic HTML construct, building blocks
1.5    Working with Fonts and Formats
1.6    Working with Lists and Links
1.7    Working with Images
1.8    Working with Tables
1.9    Working with Div
1.10  Working with Forms and Frames
Unit 2: Cascading Style Sheet                                
2.1    Web page and CSS
2.2    CSS implementation
2.3    Basic Elements of CSS Design
2.4    CSS Building Blocks
2.5    Text properties
2.6    Colors, backgrounds and images
2.7    Lists and Links
2.8    Basic Design of layout
2.9    Types of layouts
2.10  CSS Responsive
Unit 3: JavaScript                                                        
1.1    Java Script Overviews
1.2    Java Script and WWW
1.3    Java Script elements
1.4    Functions
1.5    Variables and Expressions
1.6    Statements; if, for, while
1.7    Array
1.8    Events handlers
1.9    Objects and Events
1.10  Getting data from Form and form validation
1.11  Concept of JQUERY
Unit 4: Introduction to PHP, MYSQL and APACHE
4.1    Introduction of   Static and Dynamic Website
4.2    Concept of Server Side Scripting Language and Web Server
4.3    Introduction of Apache, PHP, MySQL
4.4    Introduction to WAMP
4.5    Installing Apache, PHP, MySQL
4.6    Apache Version and installation
4.7    Apache configuration file structure
4.8    Apache Log file
4.9    Apache related commands
4.10  Troubleshooting in Apache Server
4.11  Installation and Configuration of PHP
4.12  php.ini basic
4.13  Basic PHP Scripts
4.14  Integrating PHP with HTML
Unit 5: Programming Structure of PHP                 
5.1    Data types, Variables, Operators and Expression
5.2    Flow Control in PHP: if statement, switch statement, ? Operator, loops
5.3    Code block and Browser output
5.4    Working with functions: Define and Call Function
5.5    Returning Value from user define function
5.6    Scope of Variable
5.7    Setting Default Value for arguments, passing value reference to function
5.8    Create an Array
5.9    Create an Object
5.10  Working with String, Date and Time
5.11  String Manipulation
Unit 6: Working With Form                                   
6.1    Creating a user Form
6.2    Hidden filed for save state
6.3    Redirecting user
6.4    Sending mail on form submission
6.5    Working with file uploading
6.6    Working with Session
Unit 7: MySQL and PHP                                     
7.1          Connecting to MySQL with PHP
7.2    Introduction of database
7.3    Working with MySQL Data
7.4    File Uploading & Emails
7.5    Making a Contact Us Form on a website
7.6    PHP and AJAX 
7.7    Creating Images on the Fly
7.8    Image Captcha
7.9    Restrict Viewing on the website
Unit 8: Project Work

Google Maps

Hamro Patro

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