IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students

Course Title: ICT in Education
Course No.:  Ed. 431                                                 
Nature of course: Theoretical + Practical
Level: B.Ed.                                                              
Credit Hour:  3 hours (2T+1P)
Semester: Third                                                         
Teaching Hour: 80hours (32+48)

Unit I: ICT and ICT Education    (6)
Ø  Meaning of ICT and ICT education
Ø  The beginning of ICTs in education
Ø  ICT use in education in different countries a review (some developed and developing countries)
Ø  ICT in education in Nepal: ICT policy and programs in Nepal (one-laptop per child, virtual schools, ICT integration in courses, Computer courses etc)

Unit 2: Learning theories and educational software/ICT tools (6 )
Ø  Behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism in students' learning and in developing educational software
Ø  ICT use for actionable, engaged and interactive learning
Ø  Learning through networking - alternative view of learning
Unit 3: ICTs in Curriculum and Professional Standards (4 )
           Review of the curriculum framework and professional standards of teachers in relation to ICT use for different subjects
           ICT competencies in different professional standards (eg UNESCO, OECD, EU) and NCED Nepal.
Unit 4: Operation of Computer System  and Hardware for Professional work (8 )
           Working with operating system (Desktop, file and folder management, user account and password protection).
           Computer hardware and their installation for use  (printer, digital camera, scanner, projector, flash drive etc)
           Use of Mobile computing and Applications
Unit 5: Application competency for Teaching learning        (26)
           Working with word processor software for teaching learning (Text formatting, page setting, table and object insert, review and citation on documentation)
           Designing and use of spread sheet for teaching and recording of the students' performance (analyse the students' achievement score)
           Power point designing and use for teaching
           Use of software relevant to particular subject (math, language, science, social study) in preparing presentation and dynamic learning materials
Unit 6: Communication tools, multi-media and their use in teaching and learning (20 )
           Use of Internet and email
           Search engine and social media
           Use of cloud computing tools to share documents (eg google drive, skype etc)
           Searching database and e-resources available freely in online and school system database.
           Proper use of e-resources for enhancing professional capacity and for students' learning
           Educational Mobile Application
           Recording Audio, Video,
           Create Video Clips, movie maker-Software, simple video editing
           Multimedia and its use (text, image, animation, audio and video) in teaching and learning
Unit 7: Security and Ethical Consideration in ICT use (6 )
           Computer protection form virus
           Cyber security and Cyber Crime
           Ethics in using digital documents, ICT use and communication
           Use and misuse of ICTs
Unit 8: Project Work on Using ICTs (4 )
Students from the respective fields of their specialization will work on projects assigned by the course teacher (both individual and group project).
Each student need to involve in at least 10 projects.

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Hamro Patro

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