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                                        Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus || ABIT Club 2078-80

ICT Winter Boot Camp-2079

Dear All!!!

ABIT Club is planning to organizes Winter Boot Camp which provides hands-on experience and training in the use of various tools, technologies, and processes related to information technology. This may include learning how to use specific software, programming languages, operating systems, or hardware platforms, as well as understanding and applying principles of computer science, networking, web design and development.

There will be practical sessions which should be interactive and involve students working on exercises or projects under the guidance of an instructor or mentor. The goal is to give students the opportunity to apply the concepts and skills they have learned in a more realistic, hands-on setting, and to help them develop the technical skills and expertise needed to work effectively in the field of IT.

Objective or main aim of ICT Winter Boot Camp 2079  practical session are:

  • Installing and configuring software and operating systems

  • Programming in a specific language or using a specific web development platform

  • Working with databases and data management systems

  • Assembling and Disassembling of Desktop and Laptop 

  • Networking and communication protocols

  • Security practices and protocols

  • Troubleshooting and problem-solving

  • Team collaboration and project management

Overall, the aim of a Winter Camp is to help students develop a deeper understanding and practical expertise in the field of information technology. 

Rules and Regulation for boot camp

  1. Registering for the seminar: Participants may be required to register in advance in order to attend the seminar. This may involve submitting a registration form or paying a registration fee.

  2. Arriving on time: Participants should plan to arrive at the seminar location on time, as late arrivals may disrupt the presentation and be disrespectful to the speaker and other attendees.

  3. Staying for the duration: Participants are typically expected to stay for the entire duration of the seminar, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

  4. Being respectful: Participants should be respectful of the speaker and other attendees, and refrain from disruptive behavior such as talking during the presentation or using their phone.

  5. Following dress code: There may be a dress code for the seminar, and participants should be sure to adhere to any guidelines provided.

  6. Complying with any additional rules: There may be additional rules specific to the seminar, such as rules around recording the presentation or taking notes. Participants should be sure to follow any such rules to ensure a smooth and successful event.

 Here, according to the plan we have divided the session into two halves for junior semester (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and senior semester(5th, 7th and 9th Semester)

Session 1

Topic : Hardware and Networking

Venue : Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus, Seminar Hall

Date : 23rd, 24th and 25th Poush, 2079

Time : 10am to 5pm

Session for : 1st, 2nd and 3rd Semester(Compulsory)

*Remaining Semester can participate according to their interest

Facilitator : Sulov Sir,  

Entry Fee : Rs. 150

Penalty         : Rs. 300

Total Student : 57 Students

Requirement : Student should have Minimum 8 GB Pen drive and ScrewDriver

Boot Camp Schedule







Arrival to Campus Hall

10 am-11 am

Formal Program/Brief Description about Boot Camp/Introduction

11 am -12am

Demonstration hardware parts

12 am-2 pm

Desktop Assembling/Disassembling 35

2 pm-3 pm 


3 pm-5 pm

Laptop Assembling/ Disassembling




10 am-11am

Demonstration about booting/ Bootable Process Description

11am to 2 pm

Group wise Bootable: Windows/Linux

2 pm to 3 pm


3 pm to 5 pm

Application Software Installation, Crack, Device Driver Installation, Customize OS




10 am to 11 am

Description and concept about Networking

11 am to 2 pm

Clamping, RJ45 Management, Network Setup

2 pm to 3 pm


3 pm to 5 pm

Network Establish 

*Schedule can be changed according to instructor objective 


Outcome of the Session

  • Setting up and configuring computer hardware, such as processors, motherboards, RAM, and storage devices

  • Installing and maintaining operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, or MacOS

  • Troubleshooting hardware and software issues

  • Networking concepts, such as local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and the OSI model

  • Configuring and maintaining networking equipment, such as routers, switches, and firewalls

  • Implementing security measures to protect networks and data

Upon completion of hardware and networking training, you should be able to understand and apply the principles of computer hardware and networking, and have the ability to troubleshoot and solve problems related to these areas. This can be useful for careers in fields such as IT support, network administration, and computer repair.

Session 2

Topic : Web Design and Development

Venue : Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus, Seminar Hall

Date : 28th, 29th and 30th Poush, 2079

Time : 10am to 5pm

Session for : 3rd, 5th and 7th Semester(Compulsory)

*Remaining Semester can participate according to their interest

Facilitator : Sulov Sir, 

Entry Fee : Rs. 150

Penalty         : Rs. 300   

Total Student : 45 Students

Requirement : Laptop with installation of VS Code, React and Node.JS Framework.

Boot Camp Session Schedule







Arrival to Campus Hall

10 am-11 am

Web Designing (Frontend) 

Mainly Priority: React




10 am-5pm

Web Development (Backend)

Main Priority using: Node.js

Idea Creation for self-Project/ Implementation on Personal Web Blog Development Submission





Personal Web Blog Development 


Personal Web Blog Development Submission

Outcome of the session

Web design and development training can lead to a variety of outcomes, depending on the specific focus of the training and the goals of the individual taking the course. Some possible outcomes of web design and development training include:

  • Improved skills in creating and designing websites: Training in web design and development can help individuals learn how to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites, using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and Node.JS.

  • Increased understanding of web development principles: Training can also cover the principles of web development, such as responsive design and accessibility, which can help individuals create websites that are accessible to users on a variety of devices and browsers.

  • Ability to build dynamic, interactive websites: With training in web development, individuals can learn how to build websites that are more interactive and dynamic, using technologies such as AJAX, APIs, and databases.

  • Career advancement: Web design and development skills are in high demand, and training can help individuals advance in their careers or pursue new job opportunities in the field.

  • Increased confidence and knowledge: Ultimately, web design and development training can help individuals feel more confident and knowledgeable about their ability to create and maintain websites, which can be beneficial for personal projects or professional endeavors.

कार्यक्रम सम्मपन्नः

२०७९ पुष ३०ःसूचना तथा सञ्चार प्रविधि (BICTE) कार्यक्रममा अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थीहरूको लागि ६ दिने दिने ICT Winter Boot Camp 2079 यसै आदिकवि भानुभक्त क्याम्पस र ए वि आई टि क्लपकाे आयाेजनामा २०७९ पुष २३ गते देखि ३० गते सम्म संचालनमा रहेकाे थियाे । जसमा पुष २३ गते देखि २५ गते सम्म पहिलाे, दाेस्राे र तेस्राे सेमेस्टरका बिद्यार्थीहरुलाई पहिलाे Session मा Hardware and Networking र तेस्राे, पाचाै र साताै सेमेस्टरका विद्यार्थीलाई Web Design and Development काे Session गराईएकाे थियाे ।
पुष २३ गते शनिवार शुरु भएको उक्त कार्यक्रममा शिक्षा संकायका डिन प्रा. डा. चित्र बहादुर बुढाथोकीले क्याम्पसको सभाकक्षमा उद्घाटन गर्नु भएको थियो । उद्घाटन सत्रमा बोल्दै क्याम्पसले विद्यार्थीहरुलाई सृजनशील हुन, आलोचनात्मक सोच राख्न, सिकाइमा सहकार्य गर्न र प्रभावकारी सञ्चार गर्न सिकाउन अत्यान्त जरुरी रहेको बताउनु भएको थियो । अभ्यास गरेर प्राप्त ज्ञान दिगो हुने बताउदै कम्प्युटरको ज्ञान र त्यस सम्वन्धि सिप सिकाउन स्नातक तहमा BICTE कार्यक्रम पढाई हुने क्याम्पसमा आयोजित आइसिटि बुट क्याम्प नेपालमै नमुना भएको बताउनु भएको थियो। उद्‌घाटन सत्रमा सञ्चालक समितिका अध्यक्ष बुद्धिमान श्रेष्ठले अभ्यास गर्दै सिक्न सक्ने विधार्थी मैत्री पुर्वाधार र बातावरण क्याम्पसले बनाउने प्रतिवद्धता जाहेर गर्नुभएको थियो । कार्यक्रममा समितिका सदस्य मोहन गिरी, क्याम्पस प्रमुख महाप्रसाद हड्खले, सहायक क्याम्पस प्रमुखहरु-डा. रामकुमार अधिकारी र सागर पौडेल, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि विभागका प्रमुख राजन घिमिरे, विआईईसिटि कार्यक्रम संयोजक शुलभ कुमार श्रेष्ठ लगायतले बोल्नु भएको थियो । उद्घाटन सत्रमा विआईसिटिई कार्यक्रममा अध्यापन गर्ने प्राध्यापक लगायत क्याम्पसका प्राध्यापकहरु, ईएमआईएस अफिसर अनमोल प्रधान लगायतका कर्मचारिहरु र BICTE कार्यक्रममा अध्यान गर्ने सम्पूर्ण सेमेस्टरका विद्यार्थीहरुको उपस्थिती रहेको थियो। कार्यक्रममा एविआइटि क्लवका उपाध्यक्ष विशाल श्रेष्ठले स्वागत गर्नभएको थियो । प्रमुख अतिथी बुढाथोकीलाई क्लवका अध्यक्ष बिकल श्रेष्ठले मायाको चिनो हस्तान्तरण गर्नुभएको थियो। कार्यक्रमको सञ्चालन क्लवका सचिव विजय आलेले गर्नु भएको थियो । क्याम्पमा कम्पुटर एसोसिएसन नेपालको, तनहु शाखा, BIG Computer Institute, Golden Computer and Suppliers, Mamata Computer Institute र NASA Suppliers ले पनि आर्थिक, भौतिक र प्राविधिक सहयोग गरेको थियाे ।
बुट क्याम्प दुई चरणमा विभाजन गरिएको थियाे ।
क्याम्पकाे पहिलाे Session मा प्रथम, दोश्रो, तेश्रो र पाँचौ सेमेस्टरको ६५ जना विधार्थीहरुको सहभागिता रहेको थियो भने दाेस्राे Session मा ५५ जना विधार्थीहरुको सहभागिता रहेको थियो। प्रथम Session मा विकल श्रेष्ठ, आशिक श्रेष्ठ, रोशन सुनार र क्यान तनहुँका प्रशिक्षकहरुले हार्डवेयरको प्रशिक्षण दिनुभएको थियो भने दाेस्राे Session मा क्याम्पसकाे EMIS OFFICER तथा BICTE शिक्षक अनमाेल प्रधानले पहिलाे दिन Frontend(React) सम्बन्धि प्रशिक्षण र दाेस्राे दिन यसै क्याम्पसका भुतपुर्व विद्यार्थी पनि हुनुहुन्छ कृप्टन थापाले Backend सम्बन्धि प्रशिक्षण दिनुभयाे भने अन्तिम दिन सबैकाे संयुक्त प्रयास र सहयाेगमा Personal Portfolio Design and Development गरि Session अन्त्य भएकाे थियाे । Boot Camp मा सहभागी र प्रशिक्षिक हरुलाई कक्षा १२ मा होटल म्यानेजमेन्ट अध्यानरत विद्यार्थीहरुले होटल म्यानेजमेन्ट प्रयोगशालाको भान्सामा खाजा तयार गरि खुवाएका थिए।
समापनमा क्यान महांसघका केन्दिय संदस्य तुल्सी राम पाण्डे ज्युकाे प्रमुख आथित्यतामा र क्यान महांसघ तनहुँकाे अध्यक्ष विश्व प्रकास भुसालज्युकाे विशिष्ट आथित्यतामा कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भएकाे थियाे । समापन सत्रमा बाेल्दै क्यानले अबकाे दिनहरुमा क्याम्पससंग सहकार्य गर्दै Internship तथा Placement काे व्यवस्था गराउने प्रतिबद्ध्त पनि जनाउनुभयाे भने CAN Federation Tanahun काे Individual Membership पनि लिइ संयुक्त काम गर्न सक्नु बताउनुभएकाे थियाे । त्यसै गरि क्याम्पस प्रमुखले पनि आफ्नाे भनाइहरु राख्दै याे कार्यक्रम क्याम्पस तथा BICTE अध्यापन गराउने क्याम्पसमा पहिलाे पटक भएकाे र Dean कार्यलयबाट पनि प्रत्यक सेमेस्टरमा एक पटक अनिवार्य Boot Camp आयाेजना गर्न लगाउने याेजना बनाउनु बताउनुभएकाे थियाे । यस कार्यक्रमकाे अन्तिममा कल्बकाे अध्यक्ष तथा कार्यक्रमकाे सभापति ग्रहण गर्नुभएकाे बिकल श्रेष्ठले सहयाेगी हातहरुले भरपुर रुपमा सहयाेग गरेर नै यस Boot Camp सम्पन्न भएकाे र आगामी दिनहरुमा पनि यसलाई निरन्तरता दिनुपर्छ भन्दै यस ६ दिने Boot Camp भब्य र सब्य रुपमा सफल भएकाे जानकारी गराउदै समापन गर्नुभएकाे थियाे ।

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