IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students


Unit I: Correlation (4)

•             Types of correlation

•             Computation of correlation coefficient

•             Interpretation of r

•             Rank correlation,

•             Properties of correlation.

Unit II: Regression (6)

•             Types of relationship

•             Estimation of regression equations,

•             Properties of regression equations

•             Difference between correlation and regression

Unit III: Probability Distribution (9)

•             Sample space, events    

•             Probability of an event

•             Axioms and theorems of probability

•             Conditional probability & Baye's theorem.

•             Random variables, discrete random variable, probability function, probability distributions, cumulative distribution,

•             Mathematical expectation, moments, mean and variance,

•             Uniform distribution and its properties,

•             Binomial distributions and its properties

•             Continuous random variable, probability density, cumulative density, mean and variance

•             Chebychev's inequality and laws of large numbers,

Unit IV: Normal distributions (4)

•             Meaning and Importance

•             Measure of Divergence from Normality

•             Properties: mean and variance,

•             Area under the standard normal curves

•             Z score

Unit V: Sampling Distribution and Estimation (8)

•             Parameter and statistics, sampling distribution of mean/variance

•             Application of central limit theorem

•             Estimation: Point estimation, interval estimation,

•             Confidence interval for mean and variance.

Unit VI: Test of Hypothesis (4)

•             Null/alternate hypothesis

•             One/two tailed test

•             Type I and Type II errors

•             Level of significance, critical values, test statistics

•             Steps of hypothesis testing

Unit VII Large Sample Test (5)

•             Z-test: Difference between two means of large samples with unknown population variance

Unit VIII Small Sample Test (8)

•             t-test: difference between two means of small samples with unknown common variance.

•             Chi-square test: significance of independence

•             r-test: Significance of test for correlation coefficient. 

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Hamro Patro

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