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Developmental Psychology Notes

Unit :1 Human Growth and Development

Unit 3: Understanding puberty(Whole Unit 3)

3.1 Developmental tasks, skills, hobby and possible hazards

3.4 Social development, entertainment and recreation

3.5  Emotional development and its effects

3.6  Happiness and unhappiness during puberty

3.7  Ways of controlling unhappiness.

3.8.Educational Implication.

Unit IV Adolescence and developmental characteristics(Whole Unit 4)

4.1 Developmental tasks, skills, hobbies and potent hazards

4.2 Physical characteristics and educational implication.

4.3 Social characteristics, leadership and educational implication.

4.4 motional characteristics and educational implication.

4.5 Mental characteristics and educational implication.

4.6 Morality during adolescence and educational implication.

4.7 Happiness and unhappiness during adolescence.

4.8 Career choice, interest and future orientation.

Unit V Adolescence and understanding problems (Whole Unit 5 Download)

5.1 Adolescence and drug abuse, alcoholism and effects

5.2 Adolescence and sex, HIV/AIDs, sexually transmitted disease and effects.

5.3 Adolescence and social violence and conflict

5.4 Adolescence: frustration and Suicide

5.5 Ways out: guidance and counseling, psychotherapy, rehabilitation and family adjustment.

 5.6 Educational implication

All  Developmental Psychology  Notes/Presentation 

Prepared By

Bijaya Ranabhat sir
Assistant Lecturer, Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus 

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