IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students

Course Title        : Number Theory

Nature of the Course: Theoretical

Course No.          : Math Ed. 425                                                      
Credit Hours        : 3               
Level                  : B Ed (Math Minor)                                              Teaching Hours: 48        
Semester            : Second

1.      Course Description

This course deals with the study of the arithmetic properties of numbers. It comprises the basic techniques of arithmetic and high school mathematics in their solution. This course includes Diophantine equations, Golbach’s conjectures, Euler’s and Fermat’s theorem, Quadratic reciprocity, Pythagorean triples, Fibonacci’s numbers and Pell’s equations. Most of the chapters are independent of one another and even mathematical beginners can find it relatively easy to dip and choose at random.

Unit 1: Review on preliminaries consideration of number theory (4)
Unit II: Divisibility Theory          (10)
Unit III: Theory of Congruence  and its Application                (12)
Unit IV:  Euler’s Generalization and its Application                 (10)
Unit V: Fermat’s Conjecture and Continued Fraction  (10)

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