IT Course in Nepal -BICT Blog || Complete Guide for IT Students

Course Title:  Fundamentals of Education
Course No. : Ed.                                                                     Nature of Course: Theoretical
Level: B.Ed.                                                                           Credit Hours: 3
Semester:  First                                                                       Teaching hours: 48
1.      Course Description
This course is designed to orient the students to theoretical and fundamental characteristics of education. It also deals with philosophical and sociological approaches to education. Similarly, it covers educational thought of prominent educationists including recent trends of educational development in Nepal. The course intends to develop an insight into the students in relation to bases of education focusing on interactive participation of both the students and teachers.

2.      General Objectives
The course is designed with the following general objectives:
·         To develop broader understanding on bases of  education
·         To  familiarize the students with the approaches to education
·         To assist the students to analyze the philosophical base of education within different schools of philosophy.
·         To develop students' knowledge on the sociological basis of education and identify its possible use in education.
·         To acquaint the students with basic educational thought of prominent educationists.
·         To make the students competent in reviewing the trends of educational development in Nepal.

3.      Specific Objectives and Contents
Specific Objectives
·     Clarify the concept of education as a discipline
·     Describe the characteristics of discipline
·     Elaborate the meaning of education
·     Define  education
·     Explain the forms/types of education
·     State the nature of education
Unit I:       Education as a Discipline             (8)             
1.1  Meaning of education as a discipline
1.2  Characteristics of discipline
1.3  Meaning of education
1.3.1  Etymological
1.3.2   Narrow
1.3.3   Broader
1.4  Definitions of education
1.5  Major forms/types of education
1.5.1  Informal
1.5.2  Formal
1.5.3  Non-formal
1.6  Nature of education
1.6.1  Direct and indirect
1.6.2   Individual and collective
1.6.3  General and specific

1     Explain the concept of approaches to education
2     Clarify concept of open and distance education and continuing education
3     State the process of open and distance learning
4     Elaborate needs of continuing education and skill-based and competency-based approaches to education
5     Draw implications of skill-based and competency-based approaches to education
Unit: II Approaches to education                 (5)

2.1    Open and distance learning
2.2.1  Concept
2.2.2  Process
2.2.3  Learning materials
2.2   Continuing education
2.2.1     Concept
2.2.2     Needs  
2.3  Skill-based and competency-based approaches to education
2.3.1     Concept
2.3.2     Needs
2.3.3     Classroom implication
·      Clarify concept, branches and functions of philosophy
·      Relate philosophy with education
·      Compare schools of philosophy in terms of its premises, objectives, curriculum , educative process, curriculum, role of teacher and student
·      Derive implications  of philosophy of education for to-day's classroom teachers
Unit III: Philosophical perspectives on Education                                         (14)
1.7      Concept, branches and functions of philosophy
1.8      Relation between philosophy and education
1.9      Schools of philosophy: Philosophical premises, objectives of education, educative process, curriculum, role of teacher and student in:
1.9.1     Idealism
1.9.2     Naturalism
1.9.3     Realism
1.9.4     Pragmatism
3.4   Implications of schools of philosophy for classroom teachers
·      Relate sociology with education
·      Describe concept and modes of socialization as a base of education
·      Illustrate the agencies of socialization
·      Explain concept and importance of social interaction as a base of education
·      Explain the patterns of social interaction as a base of education
·      Classify social interaction
·      Derive implications of sociological base of education for schools
Unit IV:  Sociological  Perspectives on
Education                                     (8)
4.1  Relation between sociology and  education
4.2  Socialization as a base
4.2.1 Concept
4.2.2 Modes
4.3   Agencies of socialization
4.3.1  Active agencies
4.3.2  Passive agencies
4.4     Social interaction: Concept and importance
4.6  Implications of sociological bases of education for school
·      Explain eastern and western educational thought in relation to aims, curriculum and educative process
Unit  V:  Educational thought: Concept and Educational Implications            (4)                        
5.1     Eastern thought
5.2     Western thought
·      Overview the trends of educational development in Nepal to identify the modern bases of education
Unit VI: Shaping and Reshaping Educational Development in Nepal    (9)
6.1  Nepal National Education Planning Commission (NNEPC) 2011 B.S
6.2  National Education System Plan (NESP) 2028 B.S
6.3  National Education Commission (NEC) 2049 B.S
6.4  School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP) to Post-SSRP (From access to quality)
6.5 Integrated approach to education (Special Needs Education, technical education)
Note: The figures in the parentheses indicate approximate teaching hours for respective units.
4         Instructional Techniques
The following modes of delivery can be used by the teacher as instructional strategies in the classroom.
4.1        General instructional strategies
·         Lecture with the use of multimedia projector
·         Discussion
·         Question answer
·         Brainstorming
4.2        Specific Instructional Techniques
The following techniques will be used for active participation of students in learning process:
Activity and Instructional Techniques
·     Groups of students will visit educational institutions with open and distance learning (ODL) programme to identify their implementation procedures.
The groups will prepare and present a brief report on implementation procedures of ODL programme in the class followed by discussion, and teachers' comments and suggestions.
·     Groups of students will prepare and present a comparative report on differences between skill-based and competency-based approaches to education, followed by discussion and suggestions

Groups of students will study different reports ranging from NNEPC to post-SSRP to identify their milestones. Each of the groups will share the milestones (characteristic features) of these reports in the class.

5.                  Evaluation

5.1  Internal Evaluation  40%

Internal evaluation will be conducted by subject teacher based on following activities:
1)      Attendance                                                                                   5
2)      Class participation                                                                        5
3)      First assignment                                                                            10
4)      Second assignment                                                                        10
5)      Third assignment                                                                          10
                       Total                                                                         40                   

5.2  Final/Semester Evaluation  60%

            Examination Division, office of the Dean, Faculty of Education will conduct final             examination at the end of semester.
1)      Objective type question (Multiple choice 10 x 1ponts)              10
2)      Short answer questions  (6 questions x 5 points)                        30
3)      Long answer questions  (2 questions x 10 points)                   20
                          Total                                                                           60

6.      Recommended Books and Materials

Brubacher, J.S. (2007). Modern philosophies of education. New Delhi: Surjeet Publication (Unit III)
Crow, L.D & Alice Crow (1976). Modern philosophies of education. New Delhi: Eurasia Publishing House (Unit III)
Das, B.N. (1995). Foundation of education: Thought and practice. Calcutta: Kalyani Publication (Unit I, II & III)
Giddens, A. (2006).  Sociology (5th ed.). Delhi: AITBS Publishers and Distributers (Unit IV)
Morris, I. (1972). Sociology: An introduction. London: George Allen & Unwin Publisher. (Unit IV)
Ornstein, A. C. & Levine, D.U. (1989). Foundations of education (4th ed.). USA: Houghton Mifflin Company. (Unit III)
Sen, P. (1996). Axiomatic philosophy. New Delhi: New Age International Publishers.(Unit III)
Ministry of Education (1971). National education system plan (from 1971 to 1976). Kathmandu: Ministry of education (Unit VI)
NEC (1972). Report of national education commission. Kathmandu: Author (Unit VI)
NNEPC (1956). Education in Nepal: Report of NNEPC. Kathmandu: College of Education (Unit VI)
Ministry of Education (2009). School sector reform plan. Kathmandu: Ministry of Education (Unit VI)

MoES (2003). Education in Nepal. Kathmandu : Planning Division, Statistics Section (Unit VI)
Nepal Sarkar (2072 B.S). Saikshaik suchana. Kathmandu: Ministry of Education (Unit VI)

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